Search the List of Plant Diseases in Korea
※ You can search plant diseases by host (plant) name, disease name, or pathogen name. If you input two keywords together, “AND” results will be retrieved.
※ All search results are partial match. It is thus advised to input details to obtain more specific search results.
※ You can search by synonyms of plant and microbial scientific names, but some data may not be available. Hence, it is advised to search by current names of the plant and microorganism.
1. Search by host (plant) name
· You can search host name by common name (Korean, English), or by scientific name.
· Scientific name can be searched by family name, genus name, and species name, and each search will generate the “AND” results.
(E.g.) To search ‘potato’, select a common name, and type “Potato”. You may also select the scientific name, then type “Solanum” in the genus name field and “tuberosum“in the species name field. Another option is by typing ”Sol“ in the genus name field and ”tub“ in the species name field. Further, you can type” Solanaceae“ in the family name field and select solanum tuberosum in the table shown after the search.
2. Search by disease name
· You can search for a plant disease by their English name.
(E.g.) You can search Bacterial wilt by typing ‘Bacterial wilt’ in the blank of Disease.
3. Search by pathogen name
· You can select “All” or choose one among the options : fungi, bacteria, phytoplasma, virus (viroid), nematodes, and others. When searching phytoplasma or virus (viroid), it is recommended to select each of them. If it is necessary to select “All”, please type the name in the species field.
· If you select “Virus (Viroid)”, you can search by their full name or by its acronym.
(E.g.) When searching ‘Alternaria solani’, you can type “Alternaria” in the genus name field and “solani” in the species names field, or “Alt” in the genus name field and “sol” in the species names field. You can also just type the genus name or species name only. However, when you search with either the genus name or species names only, you should select “Alternaria solani” in the table shown after the search.
To search tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), you can type “Tobacco Mosaic virus” in the scientific name field, or you can type “TMV” in the acronym field.
국가농작물병해충관리시스템 검색
※ 작물명, 병명, 병원체명 검색을 통하여 국가농작물병해충관리시스템(NCPMS)이 제공하는 작물의 병 정보에 접근할 수 있습니다. 더 자세한 내용은 국가농작물병해충관리시스템/병해충정보 (를 방문하여 주시기 바랍니다.
1. 작물명 검색
〇 작물에 따라 발생하는 병을 검색할 수 있습니다.
〇 국명으로 검색하며 부분일치 검색입니다.
2. 병명 검색
〇 병명으로 다양한 작물에 발생하는 병을 검색할 수 있습니다.
〇 국명으로 검색이 가능하며 부분일치 검색입니다.
3. 병원체 검색
〇 병원체 학명을 입력하여 작물에 발생하는 다양한 병을 검색할 수 있습니다.
〇 학명의 속명이나 종명을 부분일치검색을 찾을 수 있으며 영어 3글자 이상 입력하여 주시기 바랍니다.