A perennial herb with lower portion covered by smooth leaf sheaths. The leaves arebroadly lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed at the base. Flowers arranged in erect,terminal panicles, composed of numerous spreading dichotomous branches each with2-6, pale greenish-white, faintly fragrant flowers. Fruits oblong, constricted in middleor pear shaped, three sided and deep orange red. Seeds ash coloured, three angled,finely striated. (India) A perennial herb with pseudostem to 2.2m high and thick under ground rhizome,leaves alternately arranged in two rows, oblong-elliptic, to 45cm x 12cm with shortpetioles; margins ciliated with a thin light green marking all around; stipule brownish-green with patches of vicious hairs. Inflorencences in terminal panicles, corolla tubeto 10cm long and divides into 3 petals, each 1.9cm x 1.6cm; lip to 2cm with 2 deeplimbs, white with red streaks. Fruit roundish to 1.4cm and orange-red when ripe.(Indonesia) Perennial herbaceous plant, high 2m and more. Rhizome cylindrical, stout, aromatic,covered with scales. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, 40cm long by 7cm wide, lower partsurrounding the stem. Inflorescence in terminal dense raceme 15-30cm long; flowerswhite, lip veined with red. Fruit globose or ovoid, 12mm long and 8mm wide. (Laos) A robust, tillering, perennial herb, up to 3.5m tall, with subterranean, creeping,copiously branched, rhizome. Rhizome subterete, 2-4cm in diameter, hard, fibrous,shiny, light red or pale yellow, fragrant. Pseudo stem erect, formed by the rolled leafsheaths. Leaves alternate, distichous, lowest and uppermost ones smallest; sheathdensely pubescent at apex; ligule truncate, 1cm long, densely pubescent; petiole 1-1.5cm long, hairy; blade oblong-lanceolate, (20-)50(-60)cm x (4-)9(-15)cm, basecuneate, apex with short point, subglabrous, glossy green, densely whitedotted.Inflorescence terminal, erect, many flowered, racemose, 10-30cm x 5-7cm,pubescent; bracts ovate, up to 2cm long, each subtending a cincinnus of 2-6 flowers;bracteoles similar to the bracts but smaller; flowers fragrant, 3-4cm long, yellow-white; calyx tubular, about 1cm long, white; corolla tube terete, about 1cm long, lobes3, recurved, oblong-lanceolate, 1.5cm x 0.6cm, margins ciliate, greenish-white;labellum (central staminode) petaloid, spatulate, 1.5-2.5cm x 0.5-0.75cm, whiteveined with lilac, undulate crenate with a stalk-like base and a recurved apex; lateralstaminodes represented by 2 subulate lobes at the base of the labellum, 7-8mm long,reddish; stamen 1, erect with incurved anther, 2-2.5cm long; style slightly longerthan stamen, stigma obtriangular. Fruit a globose to ellipsoidal capsule, 1-1.5cm indiameter, orange-red to wine red. (Malaysia) Perennial herbaceous plant, l-2m. high. Rhizome cylindrical, stout, aromatic, coveredwith scales. Leaves altemate, lanccolate, lower part surrounding the stem, the upperface glabrous and shining. Inflorescence in temlinal dense raceme 20-30cm long;fowers white, lip veined with red. Fruit globose or ovoid. (Vietnam)