A much branched, erect annual, stern 30cm tall, cylindrical, glabrous and shining,purplish; leaves simple, alternate, 3-6.3cm long, 1.6-4,7cm broad, ovate, truncate oracute at base, notched at apex with a spine at the base of the notch, glabrous on bothsides, margin very finely and faintly serrate, reddish, veins 5-8 pairs, prominentbelow; petioles 0.8-5.4cm long; flowers small, unisexual, monoecious, sessile inclusters on slender. tapering, interrupted, terminal and axillary paniculate spikes;bracts O.5-1.Smm long, 0.2-0.4mm broad broad, ovate, acute, glabrous; perianth 3,broadly oval, 1 .2-1.5mm long. 0.5mm broad, subacute, nicrnbranous with a greenkeel stamens 3, distinct, free, oppos!te perianth segments, filaments 1-1.2mm long,anthers 0.5mm long, staminodes absent; ovary superior, 0.5mm taIl, ovate, glabrous,1-locular with a single erect basal ovule, styles 2 or 3 short fruit 1.5mm long,compressed, rugose, glabrous, indehiscent with a inembranous pericarp enclosed inpersistent perianth leaves seed blackish. lenticultr 1mm across, glabrous andshining.Flowers from October to Deceiibcr. (Sri Lanka)