An erect, annual herb with numerous ascending branches. Leaves long petioled, ovateor rhombic-ovate, acute, cuneate at base, crenate-serrate, glabrous, thin. Male andfemale flowers in axillary spikes; male flowers minute, followed by a tuft of sterileflowers; female flowers scattered, 3-5 surrounded by many-nerved bracts. Fruits small,concealed by the bract. Seeds ovoid, smooth, pale brown. (India) An annual herb, 30-75cm tall, erect; Branches numerous, long, ascending, angular,finely pubescent; leaves simple, alternate, 3.7-9cm long, 2.8-7cm broad, rhomboid-ovate, tapering at base, acute, serrate, glabrous, thin, somewhat 3-nerved at base, palegreen, finely pubescent on veins beneath; petioles usually longer than the leaf, 2-9.5cm long, slender, spreading, pubescent, stipules minute; flowers minute, green,unisexual, apetatous, monoecious, sessile or shortly pedicelled, in numerous, lax.erect, axillary spikes, each terminating in a swollen 2-fid apex bearing a seed; male flowers: very small, white, short-pedicel led in clusters towards the upper end of the spike; sepals 4. valvate. oviite, hairy, petals and disc absent; stamens 8 on a convex receptacle, filaments swollen and anthers branched; female flowers: solitary or in clusters of 2 or 3. scattered, each group with a large, leafy, truncate, dentate bract; sepals 3, ovate, hairy; petals absent; ovary superior, hispid, 3-locular with a single ovule in each loculus, styles 3. much divided into icveral long slender branches; fruit capsule small, concealed by the large bract. Consisting of three 2-valved, crustaceous cocci; seeds brown, glabrous, conical, about 1.4mm long. (Sri Lanka)