Trunk solitary, quite straight, 10-30m high, usually about 50cm in circumference.Leaves 1.2-1.8m long, pinnate; leaflets numerous, 30-60cm, glabrous, the uppersegments joined; petiole sheathed. Spathe glabrous, compressed. Inflorescencepaniculate, axillary. Monospermous berry fruit, fibrous, ovoid. The seeds are rounded,conical, about 15-30mm wide at the base. (Laos) Slender palm about l0m. tall. Stem erect, surmounted by a crown of pinnate leaves;petiole broadly expanded at the base. Inflorescence in spadix encased in a spathe;flowers yellowish-white in much-branched raceme, which bears both male and femaleflowers. Fruits ovoid; pericarp hard and fibrous; kernel (seed) brown. (Vietnam)