An erect herb with woody rootstock and much branched hairy stems. Leaves areopposite, elliptic, obovate, acute, obtuse or acuminate, sparingly hairy. Flowers greenor pinkish, crowded in terminal spikes which elongate in fruit. Perianth glabrous andshining; stamens 5, alternating with truncate, staminodes, fruits is an oblong utricleenclosed in the hardened perianth. (India) A variable, annual to perennial herb, 30-120cm tall, stem angular, ribbed, stiff, nodesthickened, variably pubescent, reddish brown; leaves ovate-obovate or elliptical-oblong, 1-10cm x 1-5cm, base attenuate, apex obtuse or acute, glabrous to denselyhairy, petiole 5-15mm long; spike terminal and axillary, 10-75cm long, includingpeduncle 0.5-15cm long, rachis stiff, ribbed, more or less densely white hairy, bractsovate, 2-3.5mm long, apex acuminate, not pungent, silvery, bracteoles ovate, spines2.5-4.5mm long, sharp, basal wing adnate to spine, easily detaching, 1-2mm long;tepals ovate-lanceolate, 3.5-6.5mm long, 3-veined, green, pungent in fruit, pseudo-staminodes with a fimbriate scale; utricle oblong, about 3mm long, dark brown. A.aspera occurs as a rederal often in sunny, dry localities, in regions with a well definedrainy season, along roadsides and in waste places, from sea-level up to 2500m altitude.(Indonesia) Erect herb up to 1m high with elliptic, obovate or sub orbicular leaves and greenish-white flowers in elongate terminal spikes. (Nepal) A herb 20mC tall, stiff, erect with a few spreading branches, cylindrical, hairy,internodes 8-12.5cm long, striate, somewhat reddish in colour; leaves simple, opposite,few, 2.5-7cm long, 1.1-4.4 cm broad, obovate, tapering to base, acute, entire butundulate, softly and finely pubescent on both sides; petioles 0.5-2cm long, hairy,channelled above; flowers small, greenish-white, regular, bisexual, nearly sessile,stiffly reflexed against the radius densely crowded in slender, woolly pubescent,terminal spikes 30-45cm long, bracts reflexed, ovate, 2.5-2.7mm long, 1mm broad.membranous with a very long, acute point; bracteate very sharply spinescent with abroad, membranous base, 3 mm long along with the spine, 0.7mm broad, reddish,overlapping each other at the base opposite the bract; 5 perianth, free, imbricate, 3.5-4mm long. 0.7-1mm broad, oblong-oval, acute, somewhat pubescent out side,glabrous inside with narrow, white, membranous margin, becoming hard and shiningin the fruit; stamens 5, connate at base round the ovary with alternating staminodes;filaments very slender, membranous, 1.2mm long, staminodes large, membranous,1mm long, 0.5mm broad, truncate and fimbriate; ovary superior, obconical orcylindrical, 1.2mm long, 0.5mm broad, glabrous, 1-celled with a single, pendulousovule from a basal funicle; style 0.7mm long. stigma capitate; fruit small, oblong-cylindrical, truncate, nearly smooth, brown, enclosed in hardened perianth. (SriLanka) Herbaceous plant about 1m. high. Stems erect, pubescent, swollen at the nodes.Leaves opposite, short-petioled, margins undulate Flowers numerous, stiffy deflectedagainst the pubescent rachis in elongate terminal spike, 20 - 30cm long. Utricleoblong-cylindrical, enclosed in the hardened perianth, brown. Seeds oblong-ovoid.(Vietnam)