A medium sized, unarmed deciduous tree with greyish brown and longitudinalfissured bark. Leaves bipinnate; the pinnae 3-6 pairs, opposite, leaflets many,alternate, ovate-oblong, obtuse, glabrous, unequal sided, bark green above. Flowerspale yellow, in short peduncled racemes. Fruits falcately curved, pointed, the valvesspirally twisted after dehiscence. Seeds shining, brilliant scarlet, globose. (India) A shrub 1-2m tall with many, opposite, ascending branches; stem cylindrical,glabrous, young parts finely puberulous; leaves simple, large, opposite, decussate, 9-25cm long, 2.5-8.5cm broad, lanceolate, tapering at both ends, acuminate, subacute,very faintly crenate, glabrous, dark gr abo and paler beneath, lateral veins 4-13 pairs,parallel and reticulate, puberulous below, petioles 0.7-3.5cm long and hairy; flowersirregular, bisexual, large, white, in dense bracteolate spikes on long, stout, axillarypeduncles towards the ends of branches; peduncles 3.5-5cm long, grooved andpuberulous; brats oval, l.4-3.5cm long, 0.9-1.8cm broad, subacute, glabrous, erect andimbricated, bractiets I .2-l.5cm long. 0.3-0.5cm broad, oblong-lanceolate. acute;sepals 5, oblong-lanceolate, 0.7-0.9cm acute, slightly connate at base, finely woollypubescent on both surfaces; petals 5. fused into a 2-lipped corolla, pubescent outside,corolla-tube 1 .2cm long, lower part cylindrical, inflated above and compressed dorsiventrally, upper lip I .8cm long, 1 .2cm broad, oblong-oval, curved, obtuse, notched,veins reddish-purple at the hack, lower lip as long, 3-lobed deeply, the centre lobe thelargest and with reddish.purple veins inside; stamens 2, epipetalous; filaments 2.2cmlong, arched, hairy at base, anthers green, 2-celled, cells more or less distant atdifferent levels, lower ones pointed ovary superior. 3mm long, hairy, 2-locular with 2ovules in each loculus; style and stigma 2.5cm long, hairy towards the base andsomewhai bifid at apex; fruit capsule 1.8cm long, clavate, pubescent; seeds 4,glabrous. tubercular-verrucose. Flowers in October and December. (Sri Lanka)