An erect or prostrate, many branched herb, woolly, tomentose. Leaves simple,alternate, short-petioled, densely tomentose, usually smaller in the flowering branches.Flowers very small, sessile, bisexual, greenish or hoary-white, often clustered inspikes; perianth calycine, membranous. Fruits greenish, roundish, compressed utricle.Seeds kidney shaped with shining back. Coriaceous testa. (India) A perennial erect herb 110cm tall, main branches and upper part of the stem oftenunbranched, leafy and flowering almost throughout, internodes usually shorter than2cm; leaves alternate, ovate-elliptical to obovate; spikes up to 2.5cm long.(Philippines) Annual herb, 60-75cm tall, often woody at base; stems green, erect or prostrate, withnumerous, slender, cylindrical, more or less cottony, hairy branches leaves simple,alternate, 1.2-IScm long, 0.9-2.5cm broad, oval or spathulate-oval, tapering to baserounded or subacute at apex, entire, finally hairy pubescent above, whitish hairycottony beneath petiole O.4-lcm long, hairy; flowers greenish white, very small,regular, bisexual, sessile in dense, axillary heads or spikes, bracts shorter than sepals,1mm long, 0.5mm broad, ovate, apiculate, membranous, hairy outside; perianth 5lobes, oblong to oblong-ovate, 1.2-1.5mm long, apiculate, densely cottony, woollyoutside with membranous margins; stamens 5, connate at base with 5 interposedstaminodes forming a cup round the ovary; ovary superior, 1-locular with a solitaryovule pendulous from a basal funicle, style and bifid stigmas very short; fruitindehiscent, somewhat flattish, 0.8mm long. 0.6mm broad, ovate with a membranouspericarp, enclosed in persistent cottony perianth segments; seeds only one to a fruitand black in colour.Flowers almost throughout the year. (Sri Lanka)