Perennial, tomentose, woody climbers. Leaves opposite, shortly petioled, ovate-acuminate, cordate-base, densely tomentose, dark green above. Flowers greenish-yellow, in lateral short-peduncled, axillary, umbellate-cyme. Follicles solitary or 2,acuminate, tomentose, gradually tapering form base to tip. Seeds ovate-oblong, white,hairy at the apex. (India) A large, woody. much-brandied, twining perennial, climbing over the tops of hightrees young stems and branches cylindrical, slender, softly and shortly hairy leavessimple, opposite, rather small, 3-5cm long. 1.3 3.4cm broad, ovate, rounded at base,shortly acuminate, more or less pubescent on both sides, especially on veins beneath,petioles 0.6cm long and hairy; flowers small, regular, bisexual, on rather long, slender,hairy pedicels grouped in nearly sessile cyines, peduncle densely pubescent shorterthan petioles arising from between them; bracts minute. hairy ciliate; sepals 5. almostseparate, hairy petals 5, fused into an urceolate yellow corolla about 4mm in diameter, lobes about as long as the tube, acute, recurved. slightly contorted, glabrous : corona of 5 processes inserted on the corolla-tube, alternate with its lobes. fleshy, blunt, produced downwards as double ridges in the tube; column small stamens 5. connate. anthers with membranous tips. pollen masses one in each chamber, erect. pedicellat not compressed, no staminal corona : ovary superior, of two distinct carpels, stigma ovoid and prominent fruit-follicles small, 5.5-7cm long, one usually suppressed, slender, tapering, smooth, terete; seeds comose. Flowers from November to February and in June. (Sri Lanka)