A much branched, prickly shrub, up to 3cm tall. Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic,acuminate, lanceolate, bristle-tipped, entire, glabrous above, young leaves oftenpubescent beneath. Flowers orange-yellow or cream-coloured, sessile, in axillary.Fruits ovoid, tapering beaked, 2-seeded. Seed compressed, ovate, clothed with silkyappressed hairs. (India) A liana up to 16m long, root-reddish-brown, apical shoots often leafless for severaland rusty pubescent; leaflets 7-15, mostly densely rusty hairy on both surfaces whenyoung; inflorescence axillary or fascicled on older branches; flowers with rustypubescent calyx and pinkish corolla, standard with basal callosities, rusty silky hairy;fruit oblong or oblong-elliptical, with a narrow wing along both sides. D. elliptica iscommonly found in forest edges, roadsides and along rivers, in Java up to 1500maltitude. (Indonesia) A small shrub, 0.6-1.4m tall, much branched, branches cylindrical, swollen abovenodes labroUs with sle er, very sharp spines in leaf axils, each with 3-5 divaricatebranches leaves simple. 0 ite, passing into bracts above, 5-13.5cm long, 1.56.5cmbroad, ovate, tapering be acute, mucronate, glabrous above, slightly pubescent onveins beneath with 2-6 pairs of arching lateral veins, prominent beneath; flowerszygomorphic, bisexual, rather farce. 2.5-3cm across, orange, solitary, opposite, sessilebecoming spicate above; bractlets 2, opposite, linear, 0.6-1cm long, mucronate, stiff,almost spinous and spreading; sepals 4, in pairs. outer pair much larger. ovate, 1.2cmlong, 4.5-5mm broad, acuminate-mucronate, inner pair linear-laticeolate, aristate,1.2cm long, 2mm broad, glandular on both sides and hairy outside petals 5, fused intoa cylindrical tubular corolla-tube 1.5cm long, hairy outside, corolla lobes stronglyimbricate, recurved, 3 outer lobes oval, 1.5cm long, 0.9-1cm broad, hairy outside, 2inner lobes smaller, oblong, 1.3cm long. 0.7cm broad, obtuse; stamens 4 epipetalouS,two reduced to staminodes, the fertile stamens exserted, filaments 2.5cm long andhairy, anther 2-celled, not spurred; ovary superior, 3mm long, glabrous, 2-locular with2 ovules jfl each loculus, style 3.3cm long, stigma slightly bifid; fruit capsule 1.4cmlong, ovoid with a long, tapeiing. solid beak; seeds 2 with silky adpressedhair.Flowers in March, August and October. (Sri Lanka)