Shrub of 1-3m high, spinous or not, with obovate leaves, and yellow flowers inclusters. (Nepal) An erect, much branched shrub, 2-3m tall with a pale, smooth bark and glabrous,elongated twigs leaves simple or transformed into 3-nd spines in fascicles of 3-6,lanceolate or obovate-lanceolate, 3.8-10cm long, l.5-3.3cm broad, strongly niucronate,tapering to the base, thick with prominent reticulate veins, entire or with a fewspinous teeth, petioles very short or absent flowers regular, bright yellow, in droopingcorymbose racemes or panicles arising from leaf fascicles pedicels 8mm 1on olabrousbracts 3, small just beneath the calyx resembling tn outer calyx, glabrous sepals 6 intwo rows. imbricate, oval, obtuse, spreading, concave. petaloid, the inner two twice aslong as the outer ones petals, 6, distinct in two rows, imbricate, longer than sepals.obtuse, erect, concave, equal, tapering to the base where there are two small nectarialglands stamens 6, distinct or slightly connate to base petals, anthers innate, blunt, 2-celled, opening by two upwardly recurved lids ovary superior, unicarpellary, smooth,style short, thick, stigma peltale. ovules few, basal, erect; fruit fleshy, indebiscent,purple with a white “bloom”. fusiform or ohovoid, 2-seeded berry, 1.2cm long withpersistent style.Flowers from April onwards. (Sri Lanka)