Annual or biennial; stems often branched, dark purple, minutely papillose; radicalleaves oblanceolate, small, the cauline leaves lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 2-4cmLong, 3-5(-8)mm Wide, acute; flowers few to many, pedicelled, pale blue-puple, 5-merous;calyx-segments broadly linear to linear-lanceolate, half as long to nearly aslong as the corolla; corolla-lobes 1-1.5cm long, with dark-colored nerves, theglandular-grooves in pairs, each surrounded by fleshy, flexuous hairs; capsules nearlyas long as the corolla, broadly lanceolate; seeds nearly globose, smooth. (Korea) A broad-leaved deciduous tree. It attains up to 27m high. (Mongolia)