A tree with smooth green or ash coloured, exfoliating bark. Leaves alternate,imparipinnate, crowded at the ends of the branches; leaflets 8-15 pairs, sessile andopposite. Flowers in axillary racemes. Sepals and petals 5, stamens 10, inserted at thebase of a red disc. Ovary sessile on a disc. Fruit three-angled, splitting into threevalves. (India) A deciduous, medium-sized tree with an ash-coloured, papery bark which peels off inthin flakes; young shoots and leaves pubescent; leaves alternate, crowded at the endsof branches, imparipinnate compound, 20-375cm long, deciduous; leaflets opposite,2.5-6.2cm long, 1.2-3cm broad, sessilc, 8-15 pairs and an odd one (the pair at the basemuch smaller than the others), variable in shape, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, usuallyunequilateral and often obtuse, crenate-serrate, more or less pubescent, base acute,rounded or somewhat truncate; flowets small, white, bisexual in axillary racemesshorter than leaves; calyx small, 5-toothed pubescent outside, persistent, lobes broadlytriangular-ovate petals 5, imbricate, 5mm long, ovate, nairowed at base, pubescentoutside, tips inflexed; disc annular, fleshy, crenate stamens 10, alternately long andshort inserted at the base of the disc, anthers slightly pubescent; ovary sessile,surrounded by a disc, 3-locular with 2 pendulous ovules in each loculus, style short,grooved, stigma 3-lobed; fruit a trigonous drupe containing 3 pyrenes, valvessepticidal; pyrenes 1-seeded, bony, heart-shaped with a long apex surrounded by amembranous wing seeds compressed and pendulous. (Sri Lanka)