A monoecious or dioecious shrub or small tree up to 10m tall with soft-haired twigsand leaves. Leaves arranged spirally, imparipinnate, short petiolulate, ovate-oblong toovate-lanceolate, margin bluntly serrate or crenate, secondary veins unbranched andterminating in a marginal gland. Inflorescence axillary, pubescent, composed of smallcymes united into bracreate, raceme-like thyrses. Flowers unisexual, 4-merous, small,greenish-white to grenish red or purple; sepals connate at base; petals free; diskintrastaminal, thick, 4-lobed; stamens short, vestigial or absent in female flowers;ovaries superior, free each with a single, pendent ovule, styles free or coherent at base,subulate, bent outwards over the top of the ovary. Fruit consisting of 1-4 hardly fleshydrupelets; drupelet 2-ribbed, dry, purplish-black and 4-5(-7)mm long when mature,pyrene with wrinkled endocarp. Seed ovoid, with thin testa and very thin endosperm.Seedling with epigeal germination; cotyledons emergent, leafy; hypocotyl elongated;first two leaves opposite, subsequent ones arranged spirally; first few leaves 3-foliolate, later ones with increasing number of leaflets. (Indonesia) A monoecious or dioecious shrub or small tree up to 10m tall with soft-haired twigsand leaves. Leaves arranged spirally, imparipinnate, 20-50cm long, exstipulate;leaflets 3-15, opposite, short petiolulate, ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, marginbluntly serrate or crenate, secondary veins unbranched and terminating in a marginalgland. Inflorescence axillary, pubescent, composed of small cymes united intobracteate, raceme-like thyrses. Flowers unisexual, 4-merous, small, greenish-white togreenish-red or purple; sepals connate at base; petals free; disk intrastaminal, thick, 4-lobed; stamens short, vestigial or absent in female flowers; ovaries superior, free, eachwith a single, pendent ovule, styles free or coherent at base, subulate, bent outwardsover the top of the ovary. Fruit consisting of 1-4 hardly fleshy drupelets; drupelet 2-ribbed, dry, purplish-black and 4-5(-7)mm long when mature, pyrene with wrinkledendocarp. Seed ovoid, with thin testa and very thin endosperm. Seedling with epigealgermination; cotyledons emergent, leafy; hypocotyls elongated; first two leavesopposite, subsequent ones arranged spirally; first few leaves 3-foliolate, later oneswith increasing number of leaflets. (Malaysia) A shrub or small tree up to 10m tall with soft-haired twigs and leaves; leaves arrangedspirally; inflorescence axillary, pubescent, composed of small cymes; flowersunisexual, small, greenish-white to greenish-red or purple; fruit consisting of 1-4hardly fleshy drupelets. (Philippines) Evergreen shrub, about 2m. high. Young parts softly pubescent. Leaves unequallypinnate, altemate; leaflets coarsely crenate-toothed, villous on both sides, especially beneath. Innorescence in tomentose axillary raceme: flowers small, unisexual, dioecious. Drupe ovoid, black when ripe; seeds compressed, rugose, blackish-brown. (Vietnam)