A medium sized tree with smooth bark. Leaves pinnately compound; leaflets 4 to 8pair, ovate-lanceolate, leathery, entire, acute. Flowers bright yellow in long anddrooping racemes. Fruits cylindrical, dark-brown, blunt at top. Seeds embedded inblack, sweetish pulp. (India) The golden shower is small to medium size upright tree, about 10-15m tall. Its trunkis short, and the branches are slenders, upright and spreading. The bark is smooth ash-coroles when young, becomes dark brown when mature. The stipules are small andcaducous. Leaves are compound pinnate. The pubescens main-stalk or rachis of theleaves is about 15-25cm long, bears 3-8 pairs of leaflets. Leaflets are 7-12cm long andabout 4-8cm broad, smooth above and covered with fine veins, more distinct on theunder surface. The petiole is about 5-10mm long. Flowers are racemes about 20-40cmlong. There are 1-3 racemes drooping from the axil. The stalk of a flower is about 15-35mm long, slenders, slightly hairy or quite smooth. There are 5 tender green sepalsand 5 yellow petals, the petal are egg-shaped and distinctly veined. The are 10stamens with tread-like filaments. The 3 longest stamens area about 3cm long, muchcurled and bear about 5mm oblong anthers. The 4 smaller ones are quite straight, the3 remaining stamens are quite short and erect. Ovary and style are hairy. Fruit is astraight, the 3 renmaning stamens are quite short and erect. Ovary and style are hairy.Fruit is a straight cylindrical pod, 20-60cm long and bout 1.5-2cm in diameter. It isquite smooth and dark green when young, turning, dark brown and then black withage. Seeds are numerous, oval, shining, yellowish-brown, embedded in a darkcoloured, sweetish pulp. (Indonesia) Small to medium tree, about 7-15m high. Smooth bark with ash-colored whenyoung,becomes dark brown when mature. Leaves, compound pinnate. Leaflets are 7-12cmby 4-8cm broad. Flowers, racemes about 20-40cm long, yellow. Fruit, cylindrical pod,20-60cm long and 1.5-2cm in diameter; smooth and dark green when young, turningdark brown and then black with age. Seeds, numerous, oval, shing, yellowish-brown,embedded in a dark coloured sweetish pulp. (Laos) Deciduous tree, 10-20m high, with pinnately compound leaves, leaflets ovate, andyellow flowers in axillary racemes. Fruit long cylindrical pod. (Nepal) A small to medium-sized tree, deciduous, branches spreading; leaves with 3-7 pairs ofovate-oblong leaflets; inflorescence an axillary, pendulous, lax raceme, manyflowered; flowers fragrant, petals broadly ovate, golden yellow; fruit pendent, terete.(Philippines)