Crooked, divaricate branches often ending in sharp spines leaves alternate,membranous, 3mm 1-3 foliate; leaflets subsessile (the terminal up to 2cm by 0.8 cm)rhomboid-ovate.serrate-toothed in the upper part with an entire, tapering base, smoothand shining, the lateral leaflets when present less than half the size of the terminalones flowers polygamous. small, in fascicles of 2 or 3 with short pedicels calyxcampanulate. glandular-hairy, lobes 4 or 5, triangular, as long as the calyx-tube; petals,4. bro broadly linear, about 3 times the length of the calyx, reflexcd at apex, insertedon the margin of the disc; stamens 8-10, alternately long and short, half the length ofthe petals disc cupula, the alternate sinuses deeper and in these are inserted the shorterstamens; ovary superior, oblong-ovoid, 2-4 bocular with 2 ovules in each short, stigma 3 or 4-lobed; fruit an ovoid, 11/ red drupe 6-8mm diameter, acute.4-valved. Flowers during March and April in their natural habitat. (Sri Lanka)