A small tree with a grey bark, much branched, the young twigs marked prominentlywith leaf scars; leaves alternate, 3-foliate, deciduous, leaflets shortly stalked, 6.5-15.5cm long, 6.5-9.5cm broad, broadly oval, acuminate, tapering to base, entire,glabrous, the lateral ones oblique, petioles 7.5-14cm long; flowers bisexual, large,greenish-white appearing with the new leaves, 5cm diameter, arising from axils ofbud scales below the new leaves forming corymbose clusters, pedicels stout, glabrous,3.7cm long; sepals 4, free, distant, small, ovate- acute, inserted on the edge of a large,lobed disc; petals 4, 1.9-2.5cm long, rounded-o’val with a long narrow claw; stamensindefinite, inserted on the base of a long gynophore; gynophore 2.5-3.7cm longexceeding the stamens; ovary superior, small, ovoid, unilocular with 2 parietalplacentas, ovules numerous; fruit a globosc berry on the thickened woody gynophorenow nearly 5cm long, pericarp hard and smooth; seeds several embedded in the pulp.Flowers during December. (Sri Lanka)