tendrils simple; leaves simple, alternate, 7.5-11.2cm long, broadly cordate- ovate withthe basal lobes rounded, usually shallowly cut into 3 or 5 acute lobes, slightly dentate.very roughly hairy on both sides; petioles stout, often as long as the leaves, deeplysulcaic above. ofien much twisted, very harsh with prickly hairs; flowers regular,yellow, unisexual, monoecious, small, male flowers in small clusters, female flowerssolitary, 1.8cm wide; sepals 5, fused into a campanulate calyx, very hairy, segments setaceous: petals 5, connate at base about i way up, rounded; male flowers: stamens 3, filaments very short, anthers small, connate, connective produced into a long appendage: female flowers: calyx-tube constricted above the ovary, ovary ovoid with scattered, bulbous-based, bristly, deciduous hairs, style short. slender, stigmas very large; fruit ovoid-globose, slightly trigonous in section, small, glabrous, obscurely striped with dark and light green, solid, fleshy; seeds numerous, horizontal, narrowly ovoid, compressed and smooth. Flowers during August and September. Illustrations (Sri Lanka)