A large, climbing or prostale, annual, hispid herb. tendrils 4-fid: leaves simple, alternate, large 15-30cm long, a liltle broader, orbicular in outline, cordate with very deep sinus, faintly 5-lobed, hairy, shallowly serrate; petioles about 20cm long. hispid; flowers regular, large, yellow, about 12cm long. monoecious, peduncles longer in male flowers; male flowers: calyx campanulate at base, segments 5. linear; corolla campanulatc, 5-lobed with crinkly revolute lobes: stamens 3. inserted low in the calyx-tube, anthers connate, one 1-celled. 2- celled, cells conduplicale; female flowers; calyx and corolla almost the same as in Ihc male flower with Ihe sepals larger and more foliar: ovary inferior, oblong, about 5cm long, glabrous. unilocular with 3 parietal placentas, style short, stigmas 3, bilid, ovules many, horizontal; fruit large, fleshy, indchiscent; seeds ovoid, compressed, margined.Flowers almost throughout the year. (Sri Lanka)