An erect herb; densely clothed with greyish tomentum. Stem stout, hearbaceous,terete. Leaves broadly ovate, acute, unequal at the base and often cordate, denselytomentose on both surfaces and generally glandular. Flowers pale-white, large, erect.Fruit a capsule, globose, covered with long, rather slender spines. Seeds numerous,compressed, whitish grey. (India) An upright, straggly and slightly woody plant, to 1.3m tall with a distinctivelyunpleasent odour. Leaves alternate, broadly oval, to 23cm x 15cm, with 15cm longpetioles and irregularly lobed margins. Flowers singly from leaf-axils; calyx tubular,to 11cm long, green with 5 lobes; corolla tubular and trumpet-shaped toward themouth, to 18cm long, white with 5 petals. Capsules spiny spherical to 4.5cm indiameter. When ripe, they split 4 segments showing numerous wrinkled seeds.(Indonesia) An annual perennial herb up to 200cm tall, stem short-haired to glabrous; leaves ovateto angular broad-ovate; flowers with corolla of 14-18cm long, simple or double, whiteor purplish; fruit deflexed when mature. (Philippines) Small herbaceous plant,1 - 1.5m . high. Branches pubescent when young, markedwith leaf scars. Leaves alternate, unequal at the base, minutely pubescent on bothsurfaces; margins wavy. Plowers large, white, solitary in the leaf axil. Capsuleglobose, covered with slender spines. Seeds numerous, blackish - brown (Vietnam)