A tree growing up to 20m tall. Leaves simples, oblong-lanceolate, pointed apex andtoothed margin. Flowers white and fragrant. Fruits large, hard consisting of 5 closelyfitted imbricate sepals enclosing numerous seeds embedded in a glutinous pulp. Seedssmall, compressed reniform with hairy margins. (India) Small tree (Laos) A moderate-sized, round-headed tree with a cinnamon-brown bark; leaves very large,closely placed, 25-30cm long, 10-13cm broad, oblong-lanceolate, acute, sharplyserrate. glabrous above, finely pubescent on veins beneath, lateral veins numerous, parallel, strong: petiole 3.5cm long, deeply channelled above, pubescent outside, pulvinate at base. adnate lo stipules forming a sheath; flowers regular, bisexual, very large, 15-17,5cm diameter, solitary, while with yellow stamens on stout subterminal pedicels, bracteolfis ftcm long. 1.8cm broad, lanceolate; sepals 5. free, imbricate, very flethy. persistent, subsequently enlarging to enclose ihe fruit; petals 5, free, orbicular with a broad base; stamens very numerous in many series, per-iistenl. innate, anthers opening hy small pores at the apex; ovary superior consisting of 15-20 free carpels, coherent at the axis. styles white, free and spreading, fruit enclosed by greatly enlarged, thickened and Imbricate sepals, the whole fruit forming a large, green globose berry. 12cm in diameter; the real fruit inside 6.3cm diameter, indchiscent; seeds numerous compressed with a hairy margin. Flowers from June to August (Sri Lanka)