Annual, erect or prostrate, branched herb; stem and branches strigose. Leaves sessile,oblong-lanceolate, entire, acute or subacute, sparsely strigose with appressed hairs onboth sides. Heads solitary or two together on unequal axillary peduncles. Ray-flowersligulate, the ligule small, spreading, scarcely as long as the bracts, not toothed. Disk-flowers tubular, the corollas often 4-toothed. Pappus absent. Achenes cuneate,compressed and with a narrow wing, covered with warty excrescences. (India) A tender herb with decumben or assending banches. Stem, 20-40 purplish in colour.Leaves opposite to 5cm x 1.3, narrowly ellitic with acute tips, densticulate margins,purberulent and nearly sessile. Flower-head, solitary or in two at stem terminal oraxillary, to 1cm across; stalk to 3cm long; involucre 10 in 2 alternating sizes; rayflowers in famale form and white-coloured; disc flowers hermaphrodite, tubular with4 lobes, yellowish-green. Fruit, an anchene, 2-3mm long and 1mm wide and flat.Semak, tinggi kurang lebih 40cm; Batang tegak, berkayu, bulat, hijau pucat; Dauntunggal, lonjong, berseling, panjang kurang lebih 11cm, lebar 4cm, pangkal bulat,ujung meruncing, pertulangan menyirip, hijau pucat; Bunga majemuk, bentuk malai,di ujung batang, mahkota lonjong, panjang 4cm, ungu, benang sari bercabang, ungu;Buah kotak, lonjong, kuning kehijauan berbintik coklat; Biji lonjong pipih, diameter1cm, hitam mengkilat; Akar tunggang, coklat kotor. (Indonesia)