A much branched shrub wilh stiff erect twigs and icavcs. bark yellowish, young twigssmootli. pink and somewhat compressed; leaves simple, alternate, numerous,persistent, 3.7 -6.3cm long on short, stout petiole’s, oblong-oval or oblong-lanceolate,rounded at base. obtuse or apiculale at apex. serraie. venation reticulate, bright greenabove, paler and dotted with dark brown glands beneath; flowers regular, bisexual,numerous, white on short, drooping psdicels with a pair of bracttets below ihe flowerand a bract at the base, closely placed in dense, pubescent, axillary racem’-s muchshorter than leaves; calyx white, free. not adnate to ovary but becoming succulent infruit, segments 5, acute; corolla urceolate, globose, lobes 5, small; slamens 10.hypogynous, distinct, anther cells opening by short slits at apex and produced aboveinto 2 spurs which are very sharp and reflexed; ovary superior, 5 lobed. 5-locular, pubescent: fruit capsule small, pubescent, completely enclosed in fleshy, ovoid, enlarged calyx which is 0.8-1 .8cm long. smooth, shining, deep purple-blue with a red stalk.Flowers from February to July. (Sri Lanka)