A moderate sized, deciduous tree or mere shrub with reddish brown, smooth bark andwhitish, linear, horizontal lenticels. Leaves ovate, unequally serrate, acute, slightlyhairy, rounded at the base. Male catkins few, borne at the tips of long shoots. Femaleone short, solitary or in pairs, erect, terminating dwarf shoots. Perianth 4 parted inmale flowers and lack in female flowers. (India) A small deciduous tree or shrub with a horizontally lenticelled bark peeling off inpapery layers, inner bark pink; branches dotted with yellow resinous exudations,young shoots, leaves and petioles silky, soon becoming glabrous; leaves 5-10cm long,ovate, acute, irregu larly serrate, base broadly cuneate or rounded, sticky with yellow resinous scales when young, petioles 1-2cm long: flowers unisexual in separate catkins or spikes; male catkins 5-7.5cm long, pendulous, grouped at the tips of long shoots; flowers in groups of 3. bracts peltate, perianth 2-4 -partite stamens 2. tulaments minutely forked, anthers glabrous except at the tip, anthet cells separated: female spikes 2.5-5cm long, 1.2-l.5cm diameter, solitary, erect, terminating dwarf shoots; flowers in groups of usually 3, bracts inibricate, bracteoles 2, adnate to the bract appearing as 3-h ultimately falling off, perianth absent : ovary com pressed, 2-loculed, styles 2, slender, stigma terminal; nuts minute, flattened, winged on both sides.Flowers during April and May. (Sri Lanka)