A mall to medium sized, deciduous tree with light greyish brown bark. Leaves large,opposite, 3-pinnate near the base, 2-pinnate about the middle and simple pinnateabove; leaflets broadly ovate, lanceolate, acute, obtuse at the base. Flowers large,purplish, fleshy in lax, terminal racemes. Capsule 2-valved. Seeds flat, surrounded bya broad, transparent, white, papery wing. (India) A semi-deciduous, sparingly branched tree up to 27m tall; trunk up to 40cm indiameter, bark grey, with prominent leaf scars, twigs thick, pithy, later hollow,lenticellate. Leaves crowded, imparipinnate, 3-4 times pinnate, 0.5-2m long; petiolelong, rachis swollen at points of insertion; stipules (Malaysia) A small tree, about 10-12m in height, branched only at the top, bark thick, greyishwith numerous large, coiky lenticels; leaves very large, -lm long, tn-or quadri-pinnately compound with opposite pinnae, rachis very stout, cylindrical with corkylenticels, swollen at points of union of the pinnae, primary pinnae about 5 pairs,secondary pinnae too bianched likewise, ultimate leaflets numerous, shortly petiolate.6-13cm long, 4-8.5cm broad, broadly oval or rotundate, the terminal ones somewhatrhomboid, rounded or acute at base, suddenly and shortly caudate-acumnate at apex,glabrous, paler beneath flowers large, 10-12cm long and as much across purplishyellow but darker puIple outside, on glabrous, very stout pedicelled, very largeraccmes, 30-55 em long, peduncle very stout, branch-like, bracts fused with thepedicel calyx 3.3cm long, 2.7cm across at the top, canipanulate, glabrous corolla largesomewhat 2-lipped, petals 5, fused, corolla-tube 6.5cm long. 4cm diameter, lobesmuch crumpled, obovate-rounded, recurved, crisped, covered with papillose hairs onboth sides stamens 5, inserted 1/3 way up the corolla-tube, filaments unequal, 3.5-5.5cm long, cottony at the base, posterior one the shortest, anther cells long, distinct,pondulous from the top of the filament, disc large, cushion-like; ovary superior,oblong, compressed, i.7cm long, 0.5cm broad, glabrous, 2-carpellary with numerousovules in each locultis, style 4.5-5cm long, purple and stigma with 2 large leafyblades fruit-capsule 60-72cm long 8.5-9.5 ru broad, tapering to both ends, flat 2-valved, valves semi-woody and tHn seeds numerous oval, flat, winged. wingextending all round except at base, 4cm long, 7cm broad from end to end of wing.Flowers during july and August. (Sri Lanka) Medium-sized tree, up to l0m. high, with sparse branches. Bark rough, thick, ash-coloured and yellowish inside. Leaves large, tripinnate, up to l.5m. long.Inflorescence in terminal raceme; nowers large, dark reddish-brown. Capsule flat,ensate, curved, with numerous winged seeds (Vietnam)