A prostrate, somewhat succulent, perennial herb with zigzag branches and glabrous,red stems rooting at nodes leaves simple, alternate. ovate-ieniform, 0.8-1.4cm long,1.1-1.7cm broad, broader than long, truncate or subcordate at base tapering into thepetiole, sparingly spinous, crenate with two lowest teeth filiform, dark green and hairyabove, reddish green and glabrous beneath; petioles 1-2.8 cni long, bright red flowersirregular, bisexual, large. solitary, 3.8cm long, 3cm across vertically. pedicel 4-5cmlong, glabrous hut hairy towards the apex and reddish in colour sepals 3, distinct,imbricate, the two lateral ones small, oblong ovate, acute, glabrous. the third sepalforming a saccate lip. 2cm ftmg, I.]cm broad, 1.4cm deep, narrowing down to acurved spur about Icm long, inflated at the tip and containing nectar, bright yellow,very hairy outside, glabrous inside with reddish markings at the base, apex acute;petals 3, bright yellow, standard I .8cm long. 2.5cm broad, emarginate at apex, keeledand hairy at the back, wings 3cm long, 2cm broad, deeply bibbed, obliquely truncatewith a raised edge in the centre and an oblong process projecting from the inner side;stamens 5 filaments 5mm long running round the ovary, fusing above the style andstigma, anthers 2mm long, fused into a cap over the stigma; ovary superior. 5mm long,hairy, 5-locular with many uniseriate ovules in each loculus, stigmas scssile, Immlong fruit a 5-valved, very hairy fleshy capsule, dehiscing elastically, the valvesseparating from the seed-bearing axis, seed without endosperm.Flowers almostthroughout the year. (Sri Lanka)