Perenial herb (China) An erect, perennial grass. Leaves liner-lanceolate, narrowed up from a broad cordatebase, midrib stout, ligule narrow, membranous. Racemes nodding or drooping fromlong peduncles carrying male and female spikelets. Fruits subglobose or ellipsoid,bluish grey, smooth, polished, tear-shaped grains. (India) An annual grass reaching 1.5m in height. Glabrous climber; leaflets 5, oblong oroblong-obovate, 3-5cm Long, 1-2cm Wide, somewhat retuse, obtuse to rounded atbase, entire, slightly glaucescent beneath; flowers pale purple, the pistillate 2.5-3cmacross, long-pedicellate; sepals broadly elliptic, 15-20mm long, the staminate 12-16mm across, on upper part of raceme, the pedicels slender; sepals 7-8mm long; fruit5-8cm long, oblong, becoming dark purplish when mature. (Korea) Shrubby herbaceous plant, l-2m tall. Stems glabrous, hollow. Leaves alternate, strap-shaped, base surrounding the stem; margins wavy. Inflorescence in erect axillaryspikelet; flowers unisexual, the two sexes on the same plant. Fruit oval, shining,smooth, greyish, with a thick and hard pericarp (Vietnam)