A shrub, 0.5-I .5m tall with erect, cylindrical, glabrous stems, swollen and purpleabove the nodes; leaves simple, opposite, 7.5-14.5cm long, 3-6cm broad, lanceolate oroblong tapering at both ends, entire or shallowly crenate, glabrous and shining above,grooved along the midrib on the upper surface, paler beneath and scantily hairy alongveins on the lower pedunculate. terminal spikes 8-23cm long; bracts large, 1.2-1.5cmlong, O.8-l.2cm broad ovate, white with green veins, acute, minutely hairy on both surfaces, in decussate, opposite pairs: bracteoles similar hut smaller and narrower; sepals 5, lanceolate, 4.5-5mm long, 1mm surface; petioles 1-2.5cm long; flowers irregular, bisexual, light purple, numerous in erect, broad, green. minutely hairy and connate at base; corolla infundibuliform, 2-lipped, 1.4cm long, hairy outside and inside hairy only along main veins, lower lip of 3 recurved segments and the upper lip hooded; stamens 2, epipetalous; filaments hairy at the base; anther 2-celled at different levels, apical cells hairy and lower ones spurred; ovary superior, 2mm long, hairy at the conical apex, 2-locular with 2 ovules in each loculus; style about 1cm long, hairy; stigma slightly lobed; fruit capsule ovoid, 1.5cm long with a solid base, hairy; seeds 4 to a capsule, 3mm across, brown and tubercular. Flowers in July and October. (Sri Lanka)