Rhizomes short and thick; stems 30-60cm Long, much branched above; radical leaveswith petioles 10-20cm Long, the blades 5-angled, reniform-cordate, 5-10cm Wide,glabrous, trisect, the lateral segments 2-parted, the lobes and segments rhombic-obovate or rhombic, acute, sometimes shallowly 2-or 3-lobed and incised, dentatewith awn tipped teeth, the cauline leaves few, shorter petiolate, the upper sessile andsmaller with the lateral lobes often undivided; leaves of the inflorescence 3-parted,often bracteate, small; peduncles 3-20mm long, few-flowered; staminate flowers veryshort-pedicellate, the involucral bracts 2-3mm long, longer than the staminate flowers;fruits 2-4, usually 3, globose-ovoid, sessile, 5-6mmlong, including the persistentacicular calyx-teeth 1.5-2mm long, the uncinate prickles firm, spreading, about1.5mm (Korea)