Bhui champa. (Bangladesh), Bhuichampa (India), Temu putri (Indonesia),Kencur, kunyit putih, temu putih (peninsular). (Malaysia), Gisol na bilog (general)(Philippines)
A handsome aromatic herb with tuberous root-stock . Leaves simple, few, erect,oblong or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, variegated green above, tinged with purplebelow. Flowers fragrant, white, lip purple or lilac in crowded spikes, openingsuccessively. (India) Herb (up to 1 m) rhizome ant side yellow grey (Indonesia) A small herb; leaves (2-)3-5, erect, petiolate, sheaths 7-24cm long blade oblong-lanceolate to elliptical, (7-)12-25(-36)cm x 4-7(-11)cm, gradually acuminate, glabrousabove, puberulous below, often flamed or marked; inflorescence appearing before theleaves on stems with rudimentary leaves, on a well-developed peduncle, 4-16-flowered; calyx 3-7cm long, white or greenish, corolla white, interruptedly striped-punctate, tube 3.5-7cm long, lobes 3.5-7cm long, labellum obcordate, divided halfwayor further, 4-7cm x 2-4cm, purple with yellowish midrib, other staminodes ellipticalto linear, 3-5cm long, white or lilac, fertile stamen 0.8-2.5cm long, connective 2-4-lobed. Kaempferia rotunda grows well in teak forest, open lower montane forest, oldbamboo forest, but also in open grassland, up to 1300m altitude. (Malaysia) A small herb; 2-3 leaves; erect, petiolate, sheaths 7-24cm long, blade oblong-lanceolate to elliptical; inflorescence appearing before the leaves on stemsrudimentary leaves, 4-16 flowered, corolla white, interruptedly striped-punctate.(Philippines)