A succulent, perennial, glabrous herb with obtusely 4-angled stems. Leaves opposite,decussate, the lower usually simple, the upper 3-7 foliolate, united by a ridge roundthe stem. Flowers reddish purple, pendent, in large spreading panicles. Fruitsmembranous, enclosed in the persistent papery calyx and corolla. Seeds smooth,ellipsoid. (India) An upright succulent herb to about 1m tall. Leaves opposite, glabrous, to 13cm x 8cm,oval-elliptic with crenate purplish margins; petioles green with purplish markings, to6cm long. Flower-panicles from stem terminals, to 15cm long; flowers many andnodding; sepals 4, greenish-yellow, to 3cm long; corolla brownish-red, to 3.6cm long,tubular with 4 petals; ovary superior. (Indonesia) Perennial succulent herb, 40 - 60cm high. Stems tubular and glabrous, mottled withpurple. Leaves opposite, entire or 3- lobed, rarely 5 - 7 - lobed; blade thick and fleshy;margins crenate. Inflorescence in terminal paniculate cyme with long stalk; flowerspendulous, red or orange- red. Fruit of 4 follicles (Vietnam)