A very large tree th a roug grey bark,inner bark yellow and young parts ghibrous;leaves simple, opposite, stipulate, 6.4- 10 crr long, ohovate, cuneate at base, roundedor retuse at apex, entire or t co glabrous above, paler beneath and punctate withnumcr,ius. minule. ndufar Juts each covered by a red scale; petioles 1 .2 in long;stipuies very inut tri persiSteilt; filowers regu’ar, bisexual, dull yellowish brown, I -1 .2cm d o ttry or ex panicles much shorter than lea pedicels glabrous, bracts minute;ser , fused into a 5-lobed, cup-shaped calyx, lobes very shallow and glabrous; petals 5,contorted in bud, rounded, concave, thick, dotted within; disc fleshy, perigynous,green and lobed; stamens 5, inserted on top of the disc; ovary superior, 3-Jocular withtwo pairs of ascending ovuies in each loculus, style short, stigma capitate; fruit abluntly trigonous, oblong-ovoid, loculicidal capsule, 10cm long, with four seeds ineach compartment, valves thick, coriaceo glabrous; seeds compressed, over 7.5cmlong, winged, orange-yellow. Flowers from March to May (Sri Lanka)