A stout annual, climbing hy means of tendrils, stems 5-angled, glabrous, often scabrid.tendrils 3-fid and the young parts slightly pubescent; leaves simple, alternate, large,pale green. 6-23cm long and as broad, orbicular in outline, very cordate at base.usually more or less palmatifid, lobes acute, distantly denticulate, finely scabrous onboth sides; nerves and veins prominent beneath; petioles 1.5-6cm long. angular,slightly scabrous; male flowers many in axillary, 12-20-flowercd racemes, eachflower carrying a small, fleshy bract near the base bearing 3 or 4 large immersedglands; calyx fused at the base with the base of" the corolla to form a campanulatetube. segments 5 or ft, 9-9.5mm long, 35-4mm broad, lanceolate, hairy with orwithout immersed glands; petals 5 or 6, free on the calyx-tube, infolded, hairy on bothsides; stamens 3 or 4. epipeialous. filaments hairy; female flowers solitary in the sameaxils as the males or separate, ovary inferior. 2.5-3cm long. strongly 10-ridged, style short, thick, stigmas 3. large, bilobed: fruit 15-30cm long, clavate-oblong tapering to the base. very obtuse, smooth, longitudinally ribbed or almost winged with 10 sharp angles or ridges: seeds numerous, 1,2cm long, oblong-ovoid, much compressed, slightly corrugated on the sides and black in colour. Flowers almost all the year round. (Sri Lanka)