Annual, tendril climber with 5-angled, stout. twisted stems, young pans slightlypubescent; leaves simple. alternate, large. 10-20cm long, orbicular in outline, oftenbroader than long. very cordate at base. usually more or less 7-lobed, lobes acute,distantly denticulate, finely scabrous on both sides; petioles 2.5-7.5cm long, angular, slightly scabrous; flowers regular, yellow, unisexual, monoecious; male flowers: numerous in racemes 10-20cm long, pedicels 0.6 -1.2cm long, pubescent wilh a small fleshy bract near the base bearing 3 or 4 large immersed glands, buds pointed; sepals 5. fused inio a cup-shaped calyx-tube, segments lanceolate, acuminate; petals 5, connate more than half-way up. obovate-oblong; stamens 5, distinct; female flowers solitary, over 5cm long on peduncles 7,5-10cm in length; calyx segments lanceolate, acute, tube produced a little beyond the ovary: petals obovate-oblong; ovary inferior, oblong cylindrical, glabrous or pubescent, style short, thick, stigmas large; fruit very large, 15 - -30cm or more long, cylindrical or somewhat trigonous, not ribbed, blunt at the end; seeda oval, about I 2cm long, much compressed, narrowly winged, grey, rough on the sides.Flowers in July. (Sri Lanka)