A stout, spiny, marshy plant with a creeping, spiny rootstock 2-3cm diameter; leavessimple, long-petioled. l5-45cm long, 5-32cm broad, rigidly coriaceous, young leaveshastate or sagittate. old ones pinnatifid with lanceolate acuminate segments, glabrousabove. costate, strongly penniveined and spinous beneath; petioles 24-70cm long,terete, spiny. bases sheathing; spathe 20-35cm long, spirally twisted above the spadixand about 1.3cm in diameter, yellowish-brown with yellow margin, open at base onlywhen pollen is discharged and closing afterwards; spadix 3cm long, 0.9cm diameter,cylindrical, blunt at apex, orange red in colour, densely clothed in bisexual, sessileflowers; perianth segments 4 or 5, each 2mm tong, 1.5mm broad, concave, dorsallyhooded and dull pink; stamens 4 or 5, filaments very broad, 1 .5mm long, 1mm broad,opposite and appressed on perianth segments, anther cells oblong, divaricate below;ovary superior, short, columnar, 1.7mm long, 1.5mm broad, green, I-Jocular with asolitary ovule pendulous from the top, stigma large sessile; fruit not seen.Frequentlycultivated in marshy areas in the villages for the sake of its young leaves andrhizomes. It is in flower from October to December. (Sri Lanka)