Annual herb (China) Erect puberulent annual; stems usually reddish, 20-60cm Long; leaves ovate, 2-4cmLong, 1-2.5cm Wide, acute at apex, abruptly acute, rounded or cumeate at base,toothed, puberulent above, loosely puberulent on nerves beneath, the petioles 1-2cmlong; spikes elongate, 4-10cm long, rather densely flowered, the bracts 2.5-3mm long,lanceolate, nearly as long as the pedicels; calyx 2-3mm long in anthesis, about 4mmlong in fruit, the teeth acute;couolla rose-colored, 3-4mm long; nutlets obovate, nealy1mm across, slightly compressed, with raised eticulations. -Sept. -Oct. (Korea) Perennial herb with slender stolons; roots partially thickened; leaves fasciculate,somewhat arcuate above, 10-20(-30)cm Long,2-3(-4)mm Wide, few-nerved, obtuse;scapes7-12cm Long, compressed, 1-1.5mm Wide, acute on margin; racemes solitary,1-3cm long, about 10-flowered, the flowers pale purple to nearly white, 4-5mm long,noddeng, the pedicels 2-6mm long, jointed at the middle or just below the flower;anthers about 2.5mm long; seeds globose, deep blue. -July -Aug. (Korea) Small aromatic plant, 0.5 - lm. high. Stems 4 -angled, striate. Leaves opposite long-petioled, coarsely settate, pale-green or purplish-violet above, purplish-violet beneath.Inflorescence in terminal whorled spike; flowers white. Achene of 4 nutlets. All partsof the plant are covered with a dense pubescence. The vanety Perilla ocymoides L. var.bicolorlaciniata is of greater value (Vietnam)