Much-branched annual; stems erect, 50-100cm Long, soft-pubescent above; leavesnarrowly so, 2-5cm Long, 2-8mm Wide, subacuminate to acute, gradually narrowedbelow and petioled in the lower ones, subtrinerved, more or less long-pilose; flowersfew, in axillary fascicles, sessile, pale green, often foming a terminal spike by thereduction of the upper leaves; perianth urceolate-globose, depressed, 5-merous, thesegments subdeltoid, the wing on back horizontal, spreading, subchartaceous; stylesvery short, the stigmas 2, slender; seeds about1.5mm across, broadly obovate,enclosed in the slightly accrescent perianth. (Korea) A perennial herbaceous plant, the peduncle of which reach 150-200cm in height.(Mongolia)