A moderate-sized, deciduous tree. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets opposite, 3-6 pairs,oblong-lanceolate, long-acuminate, entire. Flowers small, greenish-yellow, borne inlateral panicles; pedicles nearly as long as flowers. Drupes on lax drooping panicles,oblique, compressed, yellow or light-brown; kernel hard. Seed large, oily. (India) A medium-sized, deciduous tree with glabrous young shoots; leaves alternate, imparipinnate compound, 30-60cm long with a terete, glabrous rachis; leaflets 7-15, thelateral opposite or sub-opposite, shortly stalked, the end one long-stalked, ovate-oblong, 7.5-iScm, long, long-acuminate, entire, thin, membranous and shining;flowers polygamous, 3.8mm across, green-yellow in drooping, axillary panicles,bracts caducous; male and female flowers on different trees; calyx 5-parted, glabrousor nearly so, lobes ovate; petals 5, equal, spreading, about three times as long as thecalyx, oblong, obtuse with numerous, dark veins; stamens 5, spreading; disk 5-lobed;ovary superior, 1-locular with a single pendulous ovule, styles 3, short, connate at thebase; fruit a globose drupe, 6-7.5mm diameter, com pressed, glabrous and shining,pale yellow or brown.Flowers during May and June. (Sri Lanka)