A deciduous tree wilh a dark brown bark, cracking longitudinally; leaves simple,alternate. 10-30cm long, 5-18cm broad, ovate-oblong, acuminate, lough, thinlycoriaceous, glabrous and shining when mature, cordate or rounded, lateral nerves 12-15 pairs; petioles 1 2-2cm long; stipules 7.5mm long, pubescent and deciduous;flowers regular, bisexual, yellowish in terminal and axillary racemose panicles 7,5-23cm long: calyx-tube very short, not enlarged in the fruit, adnate lo the torus, lobes 2.5mm long. ovate, grey tomcntosc outside, imbricate, unequally enlarged in the fruit and closely embracing it: petals 5. narrow-oblong or lanceolate, silky tomentose outside; stamens numerous, shorter than petals, connectives with subulate bearded appendages, minutely 3-fid at apex; ovary superior. 3-locular with two ovules in each loculus, style subulate; fruit ovoid, I 2cm long..jndchiscent, pubescent, wings of the fruiting calyx unequal, oblong or spathulatc with 10 -15 longitudinal nerves joined by numerous transverse veins (Sri Lanka)