Tree, 3-10m tall, with short and crooked trunk, 30-50cm diameter, often branchednear the base and with irreguler canopy. Leaves oppsite, elliptic-cordate to obovate-oblong, 7-25cm x 2.5-16cm, not or sligtly aromatic when bruised; petiole 0.5-1.5mmlong. Inflourenscences terminal and axillary, 3-7-flowered; flowers 2.5-3.5cm indiameter; calyx tube 5-7mm long; petals 4, spathulate, up to 7 long, yellow-with;stamens 0.75-2cm long, numerous; style up to 17mm long. Fruit a berry, turbinate,1.5-2cm x 2.5-3.5cm, crowned by the fleshy calyx segmen, white to red, glossy; fleshvery juicy, watery, hardly aromatic. Seeds 1-2(-6), rounded, small. (Indonesia)