A large evergreen tree with smooth, dark-grey to brown bark. Leaves leathery,opposite, apex acute, narrowed to the petiole at base, translucent dots beneath.Flowers dirty-white, fragrant, crowded in short racemes arising in the leaf axiles.Fruits purplish-black, smooth and shining when ripe and succulent. (India) Stout tree, 10-30m tall, trunk 40-90cm in diameter, low brancing, crown irreguler orglobose, spreading 12m; bark rough, dark grey on lower part of tree, further upsmooth and light grey. Leaves opposite, broadly abovate-elliptic to elliptic oblong, 5-25cm x 2-10cm, cuneate or rounded at base, apex blunt or tapering to point, entire,edges thin transparent, thick coriaceous, pinkish when young, later shiny dark greenabove, faintly turpentine-scented when buised; petiole 1-3.5cm long. Inflorescences inpanicles, usually borne on leafless branches, solitary or fascicled, dense, many-flowered, 5-12cm long; flower small and fragrant; calyc widely campanulate, 4-6mm long; irregularly dentae above, disk yellow; petals 4, free, orbicular, greyih-white topink; stamens numerous, 4-7mm long; white; ovrary 2-3-called, style 6-7mm long,white. Fruit an ovoid-oblong berry, often curved, crowned by the calyx lobes, 1-5cm long, dark violet, in clusters up to 40; pulp grey-yellow to violetr, juicy, almostinodorous, with sourish astrigent taste. Seeds 0-5, oblong, up to 3.5 long, green tobrown. (Indonesia)