A medium-sized deciduous tree with broad buttress-based trunk and horizontalwhorled branches. Leaves digitately compound, deciduous, flowers white, tufted atthe end of branches or axillary appearing before the leaves. Stamens few. Fruitsoblong, 5-valved capsules. Seeds many, obovoid, lustrous, black; silky hairs arisefrom inner wall of the capsule. (India) A deciduous tree 18-70m tall, trunk with or without buttresses, forked or unforked,spiny or spineless; leaves alternate, digitately compound, leaflets 5-11; flowers 2-15together in axillary fascicles, 5-merous; fruit an ellipsoidal, leathery, pendulouscapsule turning brown when ripe; seed obovoid, dark brown, embedded in white, paleyellow or gray silky wool. (Philippines) A tall tree with a smooth, greenish-white, glabrous bark and horizontal primarybranches in whorls of three; leaves alternate, digitate or palmate, closely placed onlong petioles leaflets 5 or 7 on short winged stalks, 7.5-17cm long, 1.5-5cm broad,Janceolate, acute at the base, acuminate at apex, entire, glabrous. paler beneathstipules 0.5-1.2cm long, linear-fihiform. deciduous; flowers regular, bisexual, creamywhite, 3.7-5cm diameter, in axiliary clusters of 2-14, appearing with the young leavesat the ends of branches, drooping. pedicels 3.5cm long, bracteoles absent sepals 5.fused into a tubular-campanulate, 5-lobed calyx, about 1.2cm long, lobes shallow,glabrous outside. appressed hairy at the base within petals 5, slightly connate at base,convolute, 4cm long, 1.8cm broad, obovate-oblong, sprea ding, rounded at apex.densely tomentose outside and nearly glabrous within; stamens 5. filaments 3.5cmlong, connate at the base into a fleshy tube adnate to the corolla, longer than petals,erect, anthers large and sinuous; ovary superior, globular, glabrous, 5-Jocular withnumerous ovules in each loculus, stigma obscurely 5-lobed; fruit-capsule 8.8-10cmlong, surrounded at the base with a persistent calyx, ovoid-fusiform, blunt, dehiscentfrom base upwards by 5 septifragral valves, loculi densely lined with long, silky hairwhich is deciduous seeds glabrous, blackish, each surrounded by a copious mass ofcotton.Flowers from January to March. (Sri Lanka)