A large evergreen tree with dark grey, longitudinal fissured bark. Leaves paripinnate;leaflets 102-20 pairs, subsessile, oblong. Flowers yellow, striped with red in lax, fewflowered racemes at the ends of the branches. Fruits pods, brownish ash coloured,slightly curved, subcompressed. Seeds enclosed by a leathery membrane and pulpymesocarp, testa shining, hard. (India) A robust herb, up to 3,5m tall, rhizome copiously branched, 2-4cm in diameter, lightred or pale yellow, fragrant; leaves oblong lanceolate, (20-)50(-60)cm x (4-)9(-15)cm,sub glabrous, glossy green, densely white-dotted, ligule truncate, 1cm long, denselypubescent, petiole 1-1,5cm long, hairy; inflorescence racemose, erect, many flowered,10-30cm x 5-7cm, pubescent, bracts ovate, up to 2cm long, each subtanding acincinnus of 2-6 flowers, bracteoles smaller; flowers fragrant, 3-4cm long, yellowwhite, calyx tubular, about 1cm long, white, corolla tube terete, about 1cm long, lobes3, recurved, oblong-lanceolate, 1.5cm x 0,6cm, margins ciliate, greenish-white,labellum spatulate, 1.5-2,5cm x 0,5-0,7cm, white veined with lilac to purple, clawed,margin undulate crenate, apex recurved inwards, lateral staminodes represented by 2subulate lobes at the base of the labellum, 7-8mm long, reddish, stamen erect, antherincurved, 2-2,5cm long; capsule globose to ellipsoid, 1-1,5cm in diameter, orange-redto wine red, black when mature, 2-3 seeded. A. galanga ocuurs in cultivation andsemi-wild near villages, or at the borders of secondary forest. (Indonesia)