A tree about 25m high with horizontal whorls of branches; leaves simple, alternate,clustered towards the ends of branches, very shortly petioled, 15-28cm long, l0cmbroad, glabrous and shining above, tomentose below with two glandular depressionsnear the base of the midrib on the underside; flowers regular, polygamous, in simple,solitary, axillary, rusty-tomentose or pilose spikes 6cm long, the upper flowers maleand the lower flowers bisexual, bracts minute; calyx-tube cylindric, adnate to andconstricted above the ovary, calyx lobes of 5 triangular valves, soon deciduous; petalsabsent; stamens 10 inserted on the calyx lobes, biseriate, 5 lower stamens opposite thecalyx teeth and the 5 higher ones alternating with them; ovary inferior, unilocular with2 or 3 pendulous ovules, glabrous or hairy, ellipsoid, slightly compressed showingtwo ridges; fruit an indehiscent ellipsoid drupe 3-6cm long, with a hard endocarp. (SriLanka)