A large deciduous tree with thick, dark brown bark. Leaves sub-opposite, ovate orelliptic, acuminate. Flowers dull white or yellow, small, strong-scented in terminal,paniculate spikes. Drupes more or l4ess ellipsoid or ovoid, with a rough, groovedsurface and a hard nut. (India) Deciduous tree, up to 25m high, with ovate-oblong or elliptic leaves and flowers inpanicles spikes. (Nepal) A moderate-sized tree with a very thick, grey-brown bark, crooked trunk and manyspreading branches drooping at the extremities and pubescent young parts; leavessimple, alternate without stipules, 7.5-12.5cm long, broadly oblong-oval, rounded orcordate at base, very obtuse at apex, pubescent on both sides especially when young,thick and rigid; petioles 1-2cm long, pubescent with 2 prominent glands at the top justbeneath the leaf; flowers small, regular, bisexual, greenish-white, nearly sessile,numerous in terminal spikes or from the axils of the uppermost leaves; bracts linear,hairy, conspicuous in bud; calyx-tube adnate to ovary. limbs 5, free, campanulate,glabrous outside with long hairs within; petals absent; stamens 10, the longer onesinserted on the calyx-tube outside an annular, epigynous, hairy disc; ovary inferior,unilocular with 2 pendulous ovules; fruit a pendulous drupe, 2-4cm long, broadlyovoid, glabrous, not angled, yellowish green; stone oblong, bony, very thick,obscurely angled; seed solitary, in a very small cavity without endosperm. Flowersduring April. (Sri Lanka)